Smoking and lungs
Among lung cancer patients, 90% are smokers, and 24% of all smokers have lung cancer. Lung tissue tumors most often develop 20-30 years after the start of smoking, and after 150,000 cigarettes, the probability of developing lung cancer increases considerably.
Over sixty substances with carcinogenic effects have been detected in tobacco smoke. Tobacco smoke itself is included in the list of carcinogens of class I A, i.e. the highest danger. Sober estimates show that the level of radiation contained in 1.5 packs of smoked cigarettes per day is equivalent to 300 lung X-rays per year.
Lung cancer is a malignant proliferation of lung cells. Chronic inflammation due to bronchial damage and excessive mucus secretion in the bronchi occur. The airways narrow and become blocked. Symptoms such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and cough appear.
The lungs do not have pain sensors, which is why tumors remain unnoticed for a long time. Sometimes the smoker just has a cough they pay no attention to.
The most effective way to quit smoking is to combine counseling and treatment with the continued support of a healthcare professional.
According to research, people who try to quit smoking alone succeed in only 3-5% of cases. Thanks to counseling, however, the chance of quitting smoking increases to 25-30%. Weaning yourself off will always be difficult, but seeking support from your doctor will give you the motivation and practical advice you need. Your doctor may also recommend medicines to relieve your withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings.
Stop smoking.
Why should you stop smoking?
- You will prolong your life.
- You will be protecting your loved ones, who are exposed to the same risks as smokers due to passive smoking.
- You will be protecting infants and children around you, i.e. the people whose lungs are not fully developed yet.
- You will stop your condition from deteriorating, if you already have lung disease.
- You will save money.

Stop smoking...
- After 12 hours, almost all the nicotine will have left your system.
- After 24 hours, the level of carbon monoxide in your blood will drop dramatically and you will be able to breathe better.
- Within 1 month, your blood pressure will return to normal and the immune system will begin to show signs of recovery.
- After 2 months, your lungs will no longer produce more mucus caused by smoking.
- After 1 year, your risk of dying from heart disease will be 50% lower.
Let's fight for our lungs!
How to do it?
- I will stop smoking.
- In an environment where I am exposed to dust, gases, vapors or chemicals, I will wear appropriate protective equipment.
- I will protect myself from the flu and pneumonia. If I'm over 65, I'll get vaccinated.
- I will exercise regularly and eat healthily.
- If I experience shortness of breath or a persistent cough, I will see my doctor.
- If I already have a lung disease, I will pay attention to the warnings regarding the level of air pollution.